Thursday, June 19, 2008

I feel half accomplished today! Or is it a quarter?

I suggest you not read the contents in detail, they're kinda boring D:

If I had the power to make studying sound fun, i'd probably be earning big bucks from blogging hahahha.


Anna and I woke up at 740 as promised (even though we, together with kaiying, suffered from insomnia last night). For what purpose I don't know...was supposed to study but I didn't. What did I do...?

I DON'T KNOW! I just talked abit, stoned, watched stuff on youtube, bathed and went to Annia's house to study! Which was actually REALLY REALLY productive (18 pages of the SS globalisation chapter in 1 hour or so)

Good thing the others persuaded me to go! (wanted to stay at home at first. But then again, I NEVER get things done at home)

We were supposed to study at the airport, but Annia invited us over, and I haven't seen them for around three weeks...kinda miss them alot y'know? :D

Annia's house just has this....power to make you want to study I'm serious. But of course, after that we didn't do anymore studying. Kaiying, Anna and i went with Annia to the post office at tampines while Ashley headed home.

By the way, hope you're feeling better now Ashley! :D

And yes, her house has LOADS OF FOOD! plus my favourite drink!

We didn't touch a single page after the short trip. Once you start talking, it'll never end. Serious. I keep saying "I'LL SCREW MY MID YEARS!!!" and that's true.

If I get 3As for MYE, you HAVE to treat me to something expensive. My chem/maths is totally untouched, I've only done 2 chaps of geog and bio, one chapter of SS and gosh, nothing else.

Horrifying news ain't it? I hope it motivates you...HAHAHAHA.

But don't think i'm gonna give up...BECAUSE I WON'T! I'll turn over a new leaf (with the stomata facing upwards) and study for my prelims and Olevels. I've already wasted 1.5 years away, how stupid is that? This is for real!

that's the end of it, pictures coming soon! (and maybe a video too :D THE ANNA SUCKS VIDEO!) (We took 68 pictures!)

meanwhile, let me entertain the masses by typing out the lyrics:

The anna sucks song

Anna sucks like the straw (poompoom)
Anna sucks like the vacuum cleaner (poompoom)
Anna sucks like the black hole (poompoom)
Anna sucks.......TO THE APPLE CORE!!!

I see everybody nodding their heads in agreement. I never lie :D

She wanted me to post the video up here...maybe I should. Wait doesn't that mean...SHE AGREES?

Right, I'll upload a few pictures up later or something.

(its the 45th, or is it not? o_O)

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